Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Things to Do When You’re Feeling Blue


Seven Healthy, Quick Pick-Me-Ups:
1. “Favorites List” [Hey, it worked for Fraulein Maria in the Sound of Music!]
2. Girl Talk [Call an old friend and ask how they are. Sometimes, loving on others can bring us up too!]
3. Healthy Treat [You’ll feel better after tasty nourishment, and your figure will thank you too!]
4. Chick Flick [Nothing makes us laugh at our troubles like Bridget Jones’ Diary...invite some friends over and make a night of it!]
5. Bike Ride [Light exercise and fresh air can raise spirits as well as endorphins. Get outside and experience a different perspective to help alter your mood!]
6. Good Read [If your feeling mellow, an engaging book can be just thing to get your mind off your troubles. Curl up and delve into a well-crafted story, or stimulate your brain with thought-provoking philosophy.]
7. Long Bath [Sometimes de-stressing can be as simple as mind and muscle relaxation. Light a sweet smelling candle and lay back, let your tenseness melt into the water!]

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